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Biografia - Biography

A pianista portuguesa Ana Telles estudou em Lisboa, Nova Iorque e Paris, tendo obtido o grau de Bachelor of Arts (Piano Performance) na Manhattan School of Music e o de Master of Musical Arts (na mesma especialidade) na New York University. Estudou com Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen, Sara D. Buechner, Nina Svetlanova, Dmitry Paperno, Sequeira Costa e Alicia de Larrocha (Piano), bem como Isidore Cohen e Sylvia Rosenberg (Música de Câmara), entre outros.


Em Janeiro de 2009 defendeu a tese de Doutoramento subordinada ao tema: “Luís de Freitas Branco (1890-1955): parcours biographique et esthétique à travers l'œuvre pour piano” na Universidade de Paris IV - Sorbonne (França), em cotutela com a Universidade de Évora, sob a orientação de Danièle Pistone e Rui Nery, tendo obtido a classificação máxima.


Ana Telles tem tocado como solista e integrada em grupos de música de câmara em Portugal, Espanha, Alemanha, França, Itália, Irlanda, Polónia, Cuba, Brasil, Taiwan, Coreia do Sul e E.U.A. Apresentou-se em salas prestigiadas tais como a Salle Cortot (Paris), o Grande Auditório de Dijon (França), o Borden Auditorium (Nova Iorque, E.U.A.), a Sophiensaele (Berlim), o Grande e o Pequeno Auditórios da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, o Grande Auditório da Culturgest e o Pequeno Auditório do Centro Cultural de Bélem, entre outras.


Tem também participado em numerosos festivais, dos quais se destacam International Computer Music Conference, Jornadas Nova Música, Música Viva, Festival Internacional de Música de Aveiro, Festival «Colla Voce» (Poitiers, França), Ciclo Jovens Intérpretes (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa), Festival “Música em Leiria, Festival “Música portuguesa hoje” (CCB, Lisboa), Festival “Outono de Varsóvia” (Polónia, 2008).


Foi solista com as seguintes orquestras: Orquestra Sinfónica Nacional de Taiwan, Gulbenkian, Metropolitana de Lisboa, Filarmonia das Beiras, Clássica da Madeira, Tutti de Levallois, Orchestre de Flûtes Français (Paris, França), dos estudantes do Conservatório de Dijon (França), Nuova Amadeus (Roma, Itália), e ainda com a Orquestra de Câmara e a Banda Sinfónica da Guarda Nacional Republicana, o Ensemble Palhetas Duplas e a Orquestra de Sopros da Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa.


Ana Telles colaborou com importantes solistas internacionais (Pierre-Yves Artaud, flauta; Arne Deforce, violoncelo; Frances Lynch, voz, entre muitos outros) e maestros (David Allen Miller, Peter Sundqvist, Franck Ollu, Jean-Sébastien Béreau, Paul Méfano, Adriano Martinolli D’Arcy). 


Foi bolseira Fulbright (EUA) e da Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.


Ana Telles é Professora Catedrática no Departamento de Música da Universidade de Évora e Directora da Escola de Artes da mesma Universidade desde Janeiro de 2017.



ANA TELLES, pianist


Portuguese pianist Ana Telles has pursued musical studies in Lisbon, New York and Paris. She has graduated from Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa («Bacharelato»), Manhattan School of Music (Bachelor’s Degree in Piano Performance) and New York University (Master’s Degree in Piano Performance), having studied with Sara D. Buechner, Nina Svetlanova, Dmitry Paperno, Sequeira Costa and Alicia de Larrocha (piano), as well as Isidore Cohen and Sylvia Rosenberg (chamber music), among others. She holds a doctoral degree in Music and Musicology from the Paris IV University (Sorbonne) and the University of Évora (Portugal), where she conducted her research project under the guidance of Danièle Pistone and Rui Nery; her thesis on Portuguese composer Luís de Freitas Branco’s piano music was distinguished with the highest classification. 

Ana Telles has devoted much attention to the study and interpretation of Olivier Messiaen’s piano music; she has played all of his works for piano and small orchestra (plus Le Réveil des Oiseaux and Trois petites liturgies de la présence divine) with the Lisbon Metropolitain Orchestra and the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra. Between 1999 and 2002, she studied privately with Yvonne Loriod- Messiaen.

Ana Telles plays regularly in Portugal, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, Croatia, Cuba, Brasil, Taiwan and the United States, as a soloist or integrated in chamber music groups. She performed in prestigious venues, such as: the “Salle Cortot” (Paris), the Auditorium of Dijon (France), Borden Auditorium (New York), Sophiensaele (Berlin), the Great Auditorium of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Great Auditorium of Culturgest Foundation, the Small Auditorium of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Small Auditorium of Belém Cultural Center (Lisbon), among others.

She participated in festivals such as: International Computer Music Conference (2001), Jornadas Nova Música (Aveiro, Portugal, 2001), Música Viva (Lisbon, Portugal, 2002, 2007, 2008), International Music Festival of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal, 2004), "Colla Voce" Festival (Poitiers, France, 2004), Young Soloists’ Cycle of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal, 2006), 26th “Música em Leiria” Festival (Leiria, Portugal, 2008), “Música portuguesa hoje” Festival (Lisbon, Portugal, 2008), Warsaw Autumn Festival (Warsaw, Poland, 2008), City of London Festival (2010), 28. Music Biennale Zagreb (Zagreb, Croatia, 2015).

She played as a soloist with the National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra, the Nuova Amadeus Orchestra (Rome, Italy), the Gulbenkian Orchestra, Lisbon Metropolitain Orchestra, the Classical Orchestra of Madeira, the “Filarmonia das Beiras” Orchestra and the OrchestrUtopica as well as the Symphonic Band of the National Republicain Guard (Portugal), the “Orchestre de flûtes français”, the Tutti Orchestra of Levallois and the “Rouvres en Musique” Festival Orchestra (France). 

Ana Telles has worked with major international soloists (Pierre-Yves Artaud, flûte; Arne Deforce, cello; Frances Lynch, voice, to name but a few) and conductors (David Allen Miller, Peter Sundqvist, Franck Ollu, Jean-Sébastien Béreau, Paul Méfano, Adriano Martinolli D’Arcy). She has toured extensively and taught masterclasses in Taiwan (2002), South Corea (2011), Brasil (2012, 2015) and Spain (2013), as well as in France and Portugal .

She received a Fulbright Scholarship.


Ana Telles is Full Professor at the Music Department of the University of Évora; she is currently the Dean of the School of the Arts.


Foto: João Bettencourt Bacelar

Styling: Susana Jacobetty, com Nuno Abelho

Foto: Manuel Luís Cochofel

Foto: Manuel Luís Cochofel

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© 2015 Ana Telles

Foto: João Bettencourt Bacelar

Styling: Susana Jacobetty, com Nuno Abelho

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